The song from the Hilton Journeys commercial 'Dancing Couple' - Life is Wonderful

The line drawing ad where a couple is dancing

The ad

The Hilton Journeys series of commercials all utilize line drawing animations to depict some enjoyable experience. The ads have a simple message that a vacation should pamper, empower, and entertain.

In 'Dancing Couple', a couple dances into the foreground, and back into the distance.


Travel is more than just A to B
Travel should be exhilarating

Travel should take you places

The song

Life is Wonderful

Performed by

Jason Mraz

The song can be found on...

Jason Mraz's Mr. A-Z

Song available for download at iTunes Music Store
Life Is Wonderful - Life Is Wonderful - Jason Mraz - Mr. A-Z

This song is also part of the iTunes collection Commercial Successicon

The advertisement can be found...

Hilton has a web site dedicated to this brand of commercials - From the main page, click View Site Content, and under the heading Hilton Advertising, click TV Commercials.

Also in the Site Content section, under the heading Musicians, there is an interview with Jason Mraz.

The lyrics used in the commercial

Ah la la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la la la life goes full circle
Ah la la la la la life is wonderful
Ah la la la la
Is so...

Other Hilton commercials

Read about the songs in other Hilton Journeys commercials

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