VS.NET - ASP.NET - Autocomplete Dropdownlist control

ASP.NET Autocomplete Dropdownlist control with SelectedIndexChange postback events.


The ASP.NET dropdownlist control and the html select object that it is based on provide only simple autocomplete functionality. Type in an "a" and you are taken to the first item that begins with an "a". Type in a "t" and you will be taken to the first item that begins with a "t". This behavior occurs even if there is an item in the list with the text "atom". For most users, this is not the desired behavior. After a short search of the web I found an asp.net control which does this.The Thycotic dropdown list control as converted to vb.net by John Kilgo. To see this code, go here. This control seemed to work great for me for a few days, but then I began to notice under several circumstances the selectedIndexChanged event would not fire. I discovered this is because the html select object does not fire an onchange event in IE if the index is changed programmatically. I made several modifications to the code of the Thycotic based dropdownlist which addresses these issues and ensures that a selectedindexchanged event is always called.


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Imports System Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls Namespace Thycotic.Web.UI.WebControls Public Class KeySortDropDownList Inherits DropDownList Private Shared functionName As String = "KeySortDropDownList_onkeypress" Private _caseSensitiveKeySort As Boolean = False Public Overridable Property CaseSensitiveKeySort() As Boolean Get Return _caseSensitiveKeySort End Get Set(ByVal Value As Boolean) _caseSensitiveKeySort = Value End Set End Property Protected Overrides Sub OnPreRender(ByVal e As System.EventArgs) MyBase.OnPreRender(e) Dim currIndex As Int32 = Me.SelectedIndex ' define the client-side script Dim script As String script = "<script language=" & Chr(34) & "javascript" & Chr(34) & " type=" & Chr(34) & "text/javascript" & Chr(34) & ">" & vbCrLf script &= "var onchangefired=false; " & vbCrLf script &= "function " & functionName & " (dropdownlist,caseSensitive) {" & vbCrLf script &= " // check the keypressBuffer attribute is defined on the dropdownlist" & vbCrLf script &= " var undefined; " & vbCrLf script &= " if (dropdownlist.keypressBuffer == undefined) { " & vbCrLf script &= " dropdownlist.keypressBuffer = ''; " & vbCrLf script &= " } " & vbCrLf script &= " // get the key that was pressed " & vbCrLf script &= "if (window.event.keyCode == 13||window.event.keyCode == 9){dropdownlist.fireEvent('onChange');}" & vbCrLf script &= " var key = String.fromCharCode(window.event.keyCode); " & vbCrLf script &= " dropdownlist.keypressBuffer += key;" & vbCrLf script &= " if (!caseSensitive) {" & vbCrLf script &= " // convert buffer to lowercase" & vbCrLf script &= " dropdownlist.keypressBuffer = dropdownlist.keypressBuffer.toLowerCase();" & vbCrLf script &= " }" & vbCrLf script &= " // find if it is the start of any of the options " & vbCrLf script &= " var optionsLength = dropdownlist.options.length; " & vbCrLf script &= " for (var n=0; n < optionsLength; n++) { " & vbCrLf script &= " var optionText = dropdownlist.options[n].text; " & vbCrLf script &= " if (!caseSensitive) {" & vbCrLf script &= " optionText = optionText.toLowerCase();" & vbCrLf script &= " }" & vbCrLf script &= " if (optionText.indexOf(dropdownlist.keypressBuffer,0) == 0) { " & vbCrLf script &= " dropdownlist.selectedIndex = n; " & vbCrLf script &= " return false; // cancel the default behavior since " & vbCrLf script &= " // we have selected our own value " & vbCrLf script &= " } " & vbCrLf script &= " } " & vbCrLf script &= " // reset initial key to be inline with default behavior " & vbCrLf script &= " dropdownlist.keypressBuffer = key; " & vbCrLf script &= " return true; // give default behavior " & vbCrLf script &= "} " & vbCrLf script &= "</script>" ' register the client-side script block Me.Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock(functionName, script) ' ' add to the onkeypress event Me.Attributes.Add("onkeypress", "return " + functionName + "(this," + _caseSensitiveKeySort.ToString().ToLower() + ")") Me.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "if (window.event.keyCode == 13||window.event.keyCode == 9||window.event.keyCode == 27){this.fireEvent('onChange');onchangefired=true;}") Me.Attributes.Add("onclick", "if (this.selectedIndex!=" & Me.SelectedIndex & " && onchangefired==false) {this.fireEvent('onChange');onchangefired=true;}") Me.Attributes.Add("onblur", "if (this.selectedIndex!=" & Me.SelectedIndex & " && onchangefired==false) {this.fireEvent('onChange')}") End Sub End Class 'KeySortDropDownList End Namespace 'Thycotic.Web.UI.WebControls
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