VS.NET - ASP.NET -Javascript Functions for Textboxes
There are times when you need to perform some actions on controls without postbacks or that are not possible to perform on the serverside. Here are a handful of examples using Textboxes as an example control.
This function can be used to set the text of a textbox control or any other control with a value property. This will not work on a label control because the underlying code is rendered as a span object, if you modify the code to check for control type, you could changethe .value to a .innerhtml as needed.
Public Function SetText(ByVal FocusControl As Control, _ ByVal strText As String, Optional ByVal incTags As Boolean = False) As String Dim Script As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim ClientID As String = FocusControl.ClientID With Script If incTags Then .Append("<script language='javascript'>") End If .Append("document.getElementById('") .Append(ClientID) .Append("').value = '" & strText & "'; ") If incTags Then .Append("</script>") End If End With Return Script.ToString End Function Examples of use: Label2.Attributes.Add("onclick", SetText(TextBox1, "Set on a click event")) Me.RegisterStartupScript("setText", SetText(TextBox1, "Startup script", True))
The SelectText function selects all the text in the passed textbox control.
Public Function SelectText(ByVal FocusControl As Control, _ Optional ByVal incTags As Boolean = False) As String Dim Script As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim ClientID As String = FocusControl.ClientID With Script If incTags Then .Append("<script language='javascript'>") End If .Append("document.getElementById('") .Append(ClientID) .Append("').select(); ") If incTags Then .Append("</script>") End If End With Return Script.ToString End Function Examples of use: Label1.Attributes.Add("onclick", SelectText(TextBox1)) Me.RegisterStartupScript("selectText", SelectText(TextBox1, True))
The SetFocus function can be used to set the focus to any control which can receive focus
Public Function SetFocus(ByVal FocusControl As Control, _ Optional ByVal incTags As Boolean = False) As String Dim Script As New System.Text.StringBuilder Dim ClientID As String = FocusControl.ClientID With Script If incTags Then .Append("<script language='javascript'>") End If .Append("document.getElementById('") .Append(ClientID) .Append("').focus();") If incTags Then .Append("</script>") End If End With Return Script.ToString End Function Examples of use: Label1.Attributes.Add("onclick", SetFocus(TextBox1)) Me.RegisterStartupScript("setFocus", SetFocus(TextBox1, True))