About Us
About mredkj.com
mredkj.com is an unfocused resource for programmers.
The purpose of this site is to provide useful information in the subjects of programming, general computing, running, and whatever else we feel like. If you think we are not doing a good job of it, let us know.
1999 November 30 - Under the name "MREDKJ's Working Life", a collection of pages was posted to GeoCities, but we put up some filler material in 2000.
2000 February 24 - The mredkj.com domain was registered.
2000 March 01 - Content was moved to mredkj.com.
Who's responsible for mredkj.com?
mredkj.com has been created by Eric Dalnas, Matthew Roloff, and Keith Jenci, who are the owners of novusoft LLC.