JavaScript Number Format v1.5.4 - API
A custom JavaScript object to format numbers
Includes currency, commas, and decimal precision
This page references NumberFormat, a custom script available for download
- The constructor
- getOriginal
- setCommas
- setCurrency
- setCurrencyPosition
- setCurrencyPrefix
- setCurrencyValue
- setInputDecimal
- setNegativeFormat
- setNegativeRed
- setNumber
- setPlaces
- setSeparators
- toFormatted
- toPercentage
- toUnformatted
The constructor
NumberFormat(num, inputDecimal)
num - The number to be formatted.
Also refer to setNumber -
inputDecimal - (Optional) The decimal character for the input
Also refer to setInputDecimal
Returns the number as it was passed in, which may include non-number characters. Added in v1.0.2
- No arguments
Sets a switch that indicates if there should be commas. The separator value is set to a comma and the decimal value is set to a period. Modified in v1.5.0
- isC - true: the number should be formatted with commas; false: no commas
Sets a switch that indicates if the number should be displayed as currency
- isC - true: display currency; false: don't display currency
Sets the position for currency, which includes position relative to the numbers and negative sign.
This method does not automatically put the negative sign at the left or right.
They are left by default, and would need to be set right with setNegativeFormat.
New in v1.5.0
LEFT_OUTSIDE example: $-1.00
LEFT_INSIDE example: -$1.00
RIGHT_INSIDE example: 1.00$-
RIGHT_OUTSIDE example: 1.00-$
- cp - The position. Use one of the constants.
Sets the symbol for currency. The symbol will show up on the left of the numbers and outside a negative sign. Modified in v1.5.0 so it now calls setCurrencyValue and setCurrencyPosition(this.LEFT_OUTSIDE)
- cp - The symbol
Sets the symbol for currency.
- val - The symbol. e.g. '$'
Set the decimal value for the input. New in v1.5.0
- val - The decimal value for the input.
Set the format for negative numbers. New in v1.5.0
LEFT_DASH example: -1000
RIGHT_DASH example: 1000-
PARENTHESIS example: (1000)
- format - The format. Use one of the constants.
Format the number red if it's negative. For use in HTML markup, not in text boxes. New in v1.5.0
- isRed - true: to format the number red if negative, black if positive; false: for it to always be black font.
Sets the number. If there is a non-period decimal format for the input, setInputDecimal should be called before calling setNumber. Modified in v1.5.0
setNumber(num, inputDecimal)
- num - The number to be formatted
inputDecimal - (Optional) The decimal character for the input
Also refer to setInputDecimal
Sets the precision of decimal places. Modified in v1.5.1 and v1.5.4
setPlaces(p, tr)
- p - The number of places. The constant NO_ROUNDING (which equals -1) turns off rounding to a set number of places. Any other number of places less than or equal to zero is considered zero.
- tr - Whether to truncate instead of rounding. (optional) Values can be true or false, or if left blank will count as false.
One purpose of this method is to set a switch that indicates if there should be separators between groups of numbers. Also, can use it to set the values for the separator and decimal. For example, in the value 1,000.00 the comma (,) is the separator and the period (.) is the decimal. Both separator and decimal are optional. The separator and decimal cannot be the same value. If they are, decimal with be changed. New in v1.5.0
Can use the following constants (via the instantiated object) for separator or decimal:
setSeparators(isC, separator, decimal)
- isC - true, if there should be separators; false, if there should be no separators
- separator - the value of the separator (optional).
- decimal - the value of the decimal (optional).
Returns the number as a string formatted according to the settings. Modified in v1.5.0 and v1.5.1
- No arguments
Format the current number as a percentage. This is separate from most of the regular formatting settings. The exception is the number of decimal places. If a number is 0.123 it will be formatted as 12.3%
- No arguments
toUnformatted - Returns the number as just a number. If the original value was '100,000', then this method will return the number 100000 Modified comments in v1.0.2, because this method no longer returns the original value. Refer to getOriginal instead.
- No arguments