JavaScript Slot Machine


open Slot Machine

Winnings Chart

Combination 1 credit 2 credits 3 credits
seven seven seven 1000 2000 3500
triplebar triplebar triplebar 100 200 300
doublebar doublebar doublebar 50 100 150
bar bar bar 10 20 30
cherry cherry cherry 5 10 15
blank blank blank 2 4 6


Start off by inserting credits into the slot machine. The "purse" is the the number credits you have outside the machine. To insert one coin directly to bet, click the "insert coin" button. If you insert bills, the amount is applied to credit. To do this, click "insert bill" button after selecting the desired amount from the drop down list. Every one bill is worth 4 credits. Press "Bet One Credit" to make a bet from the credits.

You can bet from one to three credits at a time. Once your bet is made (either directly from coins or with credits), then press "Spin Reels" to play. Another option is to press "Play 3 Credits." This will attempt to take three credits and automatically spin the reels. (I say attempt because if you don't have enough credits, nothing will happen. Also, if you have two credits bet already, pressing the "Play 3 Credits" button will add the final credit and spin the reels.)

Enjoy! And remember this game is for entertainment purposes only.

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