The song from the Coca-Cola commercial 'Fountain Pour' - I'm a Criminal
The ad where a guy in a convenience store "sip steals"
The ad
Coca-Cola commercial where a guy is at a self-serve soda fountain in a convenience store, filling up a cup of Coke he's going to purchase. Things get a little messy when it spills over, so he decides to take a sip. The store owner, who's on the phone, glances over suspiciously, so the guy crouches a little to take another sip. He then levels off / sips the drink a couple more times before starting towards the counter.
Sip stealing
Not a felony in all 50 states
The song
I'm a Criminal
Performed by
Paul Reddick & The Sidemen
The song can be found on...
Paul Reddick's
Song available for download at iTunes Music Store
- I'm a Criminal - Paul Reddick & The Sidemen - Rattlebag
This song is also part of the iTunes collection
Commercial Success
The advertisement can be found...
A video stream of the "Fountain Pour" commercial is available at
The lyrics used in the commercial
I'm a criminal, sent to swipe and steal.
Other sources
Read more about Paul Reddick and the Coca-Cola commercial in the Canadian Press article Toronto blues artist gets attention with Coke ad