The song from the Diet Coke commercial 'Bounce' - Callin' Out
The ad where Adrien Brody is walking down the street and jumps into a convertible
The ad
The Diet Coke commercial is entitled "Bounce." It features Adrien Brody, and starts off with the actor sitting on the front porch steps of a quaint house. He cracks open a can of Diet Coke, and digital bubbles start bouncing all around him. A woman's voice is heard saying, "Hey Brody." He starts walking down a neighborhood street, high-fives a kid, goes past a woman walking her bubble-catching dog, and proceeds into the center of town, where he meets up with friends in a convertible. At this point, Brody jumps into the car, and it bounces down the road and across a bridge into the city.
it's a diet coke thing
The song
Callin' Out
Performed by
Lyrics Born
The song can be found on...
Lyrics Born's
Later That Day...
Song available for download at iTunes Music Store
- Callin' Out - Lyrics Born - Later That Day...
The lyrics used in the commercial
People are you ready?
Let's start the show
Let's start the show
You don't believe that you can read in page one in your leaflet
L-Y-R-C is funk philly born baby
Top of eschelon of MCing
And I think on that topic we all in agreement
Other sources
Read about the commercial in the Adweek summary Diet Coke | "Bounce in NYC".
Other Diet Coke commercials
In our What's that Song section, you can read about other Diet Coke and Coke ads.