Tutorials - KeyPress validation
Validation using onkeypress and event.keyCode / event.which
Try It - Block Numbers
With JavaScript enabled, numbers cannot be typed into the following text box.
Public Domain
The HTML and JavaScript for Try It - Block Numbers is released to the public domain. Read the Terms of Use for details. The contents of this page are still copyrighted.
Block Numbers - JavaScript
function onKeyPressBlockNumbers(e) { var key = window.event ? e.keyCode : e.which; var keychar = String.fromCharCode(key); reg = /\d/; return !reg.test(keychar); }
Block Numbers - HTML
<form> <input type="text" onkeypress="return onKeyPressBlockNumbers(event);" /> </form>
This example will block numbers by returning false to the onkeypress event handler. The conditional statement that chooses e.keyCode or e.which allows the example to work in various browsers including Firefox 1.0.7, Netscape 4.74, Netscape 6.1, Netscape 7.1, Opera 8.02, and IE 6.0.
It should be straightforward, except there are browser differences, because there is no public standard for key events in DOM Level 2.
It used to be a matter between IE using event.keyCode and Netscape 4 using event.which, but now most browsers support event.keyCode. However, as you can tell from the following charts, onkeypress behaves differently in Netscape 4 and Gecko browsers.
Browser Test Charts
All browsers were tested in Windows 2000. The keyCode and which values are all as a result of typing the letter a in a simple script that outputted the values.
For each column that refers to e, the value of e is the event passed in from the event handler.
Browser | window.event | e.keyCode | e.which | e |
Firefox 1.0.7 | undefined | 0 | 97 | [object Event] |
Netscape 4.74 | undefined | undefined | 97 | [object Event] |
Netscape 6.1 | undefined | 0 | 97 | [object Event] |
Netscape 7.1 | undefined | 0 | 97 | [object Event] |
Opera 8.02 | [object KeyEvent] | 97 | 97 | [object KeyEvent] |
Internet Explorer 6.0 | [object] | 97 | undefined | [object] |
onkeyup and onkeydown
Browser | window.event | e.keyCode | e.which | e |
Firefox 1.0.7 | undefined | 65 | 65 | [object Event] |
Netscape 4.74 | undefined | undefined | 97 | [object Event] |
Netscape 6.1 | undefined | 65 | 65 | [object Event] |
Netscape 7.1 | undefined | 65 | 65 | [object Event] |
Opera 8.02 | [object KeyEvent] | 65 | 65 | [object KeyEvent] |
Internet Explorer 6.0 | [object] | 65 | undefined | [object] |
Page History
- Changed the code. Basically the same, but condensed.
- Previous example is archived in validate20040916.js
- Updated the chart for onkeypress and added a chart for onkeydown and onkeyup.
- Restructured the page, took out some outdated descriptions and explanations.
- Changed to simple example that just blocks numbers.
- Previous example is archived in validate_orig.js and random.js
- Added a browser test chart for various browsers (just onkeypress).
2001-06-28: First version of the example.